Yoga Sutras of Panatjali
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the foundation of Yoga. Yoga means “union,” and this union is one between a practitioner and the experience itself.
ATHA YOGANUSASANAM, reads the first Sutra, which means now the instruction to Yoga. Patanjali explains, “Because it is not mere philosophy, but rather direct instruction on how to practice Yoga. Mere philosophy will not satisfy us. We cannot reach the goal by mere words alone. Without practice, nothing can be achieved.”
How much can one understand just by reading the book and studying the words? You could memorize it word-for-word and you will never understand Yoga because you must not only retain this information, but also put it into practice right here, right now. If we are in our physical bodies, then where else, if not here, than in our physical existence?
What is the goal of Yoga? Patanjali explains the goal of Yoga at the very beginning in the second Sutra and says, “The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga.” The entire science of Yoga is based on this. “If you can control the rising of the mind into ripples, you will experience Yoga,” says Patanjali. What are mind ripples? These are our emotions, desires, and anxieties.
What can this program do for you? By taking this class, you will receive a set of fun practices and meditations, which will help you learn methods to increase relaxation, which enhances your life by leading to a healthier state of being and a better, joyful you. You will begin to understand your own inner world, learn how to create and destroy what does not make you happy, and be un attached, learn how to love your own self and the environment you live in, and be in control of your own destiny.
The possibilities are endless. If your current state of life is tiring, routinely, and dissatisfied and changes into a creative, happy, and adventures one, wouldn’t you be more satisfied with your life?
Then come on and call Amrita. After 16 years of Yoga study and practice, changing her life using these methods, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain. After achieving such success based on the principles, which she can and will share with you, she has made a commitment to dedicating the rest of her professional life to helping others.
Throughout the 17 years of study, she has studied Sutras Patanjali, which is the foundation of Raja Yoga, and is the path she follows, Zen, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Agni Yoga, Shiva Sutras, Laws of Tantra, Laws of Karma, The Tibetan Book of The Dead, Tao The Ching (Lao Tzu), Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet, Buddhism in general through Masters study as well as various books related to many cultures, and trips with initiations that have followed.
Also, because of her as well as her teacher’s musical background, she has been taking into the depth of a sound, and therefore, practices Sound Healing as well as Mantra singing and chanting. In connection with John of God Healing Center, Amrita works with crystals and now offers Crystal Bed Therapy as well.
However, none of this is important because, without practice, studies are meaningless; and this is what she teaches – How to bring all of the knowledge obtained and apply it into your own schedule so that the information you receive becomes alive and can work for you. The more connecting you do, the more you can understand yourself and therefore, change what is needed. This is vital to your success in reaching and finding your creative and joyful self.
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