In 2011 Amrita finished and published her ebook Journey into the Unknown, where she offers her own thoughts, experiences, and insights of places, and teachings, offering practices as alliances. She explains that Journey into the Unknown was written to illustrate how everything is within one’s own mind. In essence, we can destroy ourselves by thinking from a shut cocoon that is formed through our own perception, which takes place within our mind; or, we can choose to be happy by changing our ways of thinking and, in effect, change our actions and responses. We can see our life as an adventure or we can see it as God’s punishment. We can approach it as another step in our evolution or we can continue living in a sedated state while ignoring our inner voice, which motivate us to get off the couch, open the door, step through it and say hello to the world around us, inner and outer; all while saying goodbye to any anxiety that may be presenting itself as a barrier and holding us back.
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